I like to consider myself a full stack JavaScript developer
I don't know other server side languages besides some PHP and a basic understanding of Python and C#
Although, I've been experimenting with Node from before it was trendy
My first experience in front end frameworks was with AngularJS - before it became just Angular
I have since familiarized myself with React and its popular libraries (eg. Flux, Redux, MobX)
Overall my favorite front end framework is Vue! Its like they read my mind while making it
I'm still quite comfortable in the WordPress ecosystem and have written many JQuery/PHP themes and plugins
I made this site in Elementor page builder for WordPress and customized certain widgets with JS/CSS to get the result I wanted
< canvas >
HTML Canvas was used as an overlay to create the interactivity and animations
So I guess I'm more front end leaning?
However, I have worked with many types of databases, both relational, noSQL and serverless implementations
I couldn't live without NPM and I love the direction modules have gone in JS over the years
I have experience with different staging environments, git source control, linting, testing, bundling, task runners and I'll give you my VS-Code when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!